*Vagabond Olympic Lifting Class Tuesday, April 10th @ 6:35 pm. Click HERE to see Workout.*
*World Jump Rope Champion Coming to Vagabond, Friday, April 27th @ 6:30 pm*
All Vagabonds pay close attention, as we will be having Molly Metz, world jump rope champion coming to Vagabond for an Hour Long Seminar on Friday, April 27th. All of us struggle with jump roping, and alot of people ask how do I get better at this skill. Well, we have provided you with a great outlet and a great seminar to attend at Vagabond CrossFit. The cost of the seminar will only be 10$, and this is very worthwhile for the training you will get within that hour. Molly has been a world class jump roper her whole life, and her technique and training is being used across the world, to better people in their jump roping skills. You must reserve your spot for this clinic, and please email us at the following email to reserve your spot today. There will be a limited amount of spots, so please take advantage and reserve your spot today.
Click HERE to see Molly’s Website and Videos.
Email the following to reserve your spot today:
*Next On Ramp Class Date Starts Monday, April 23rd, 2012*
On Ramp is a prerequisite and will prepare you to safely complete a regular class. A new session will start on Monday, April 23rd. These classes run three times a week for two weeks. The next open on ramp will begin April 23rd. There are no more than 10 people per session so that we can ensure our athletes get the attention they need and can graduate feeling confident in their ability and knowledge of CrossFit. If you would rather complete the On Ramp individually or if these days and times don’t work for you, then we have a 5 session personal training option as well. These personal training sessions will also prepare you in movements and progressions like the class. If you are not sure which is the best path for you to take in order to reach your fitness goals please call us and make a free appointment for and assessment with one of our certified trainers. For all questions please call or email us at:
[email protected] or 508 930 8734
*The Vagabond No Grain Challenge will start on Monday, April 30th, 2012.*
The Vagabond No Grain Challenge is coming upon us and more details will be posted as the time comes around. We are looking at mid April time as the start date and it will last 50 days long. Our last No Grain Challenge was a huge success, and we saw some great results with Vagabond. For everyone who is new to Vagabond, and the No Grain Challenge, the rules are simple. You are simply going to try to eat No Grains for 50 days. This will be by honor system, and if you slip up and have a grain product, no worries, just get back on track and keep going forward. We will score the winners by most weight lost, inches lost in the hip, and inches lost in the waist. We will also test 3 different workouts, and we will re-test them after the 50 days is up, to see your improvement in these categories. This is meant to be a community build up as well, as everyone struggles with eating clean, and we have so many temptations out there in the world. However, if we join as one gym, and as one group, we can all make it through the 50 days with no problem. If you question yourself if you can make it that long without your precious Grains, then ask other Vagabonds, how they did it, and how they do it now! We want as many people to participate in this Challenge as possible. There will be a 15$ registration fee, where at the end of the challenge the pool of money will given to the top performers in the No Grain Challenge. The only way you can see if you can go without Grains for 50 days is giving it a try, and see what the results bring you!
Email the following contact to reserve your spot and get setup on the No Grain Challenge:
I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
5 minutes of movement prep work
500 Meter Warm-Up Row
2 rounds of
wall squats x 5
wall angels x 5
lunge w/ lat twist x 5
90 Degree Quad Stretch
II. Lifestyle Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Fitness Phase: Level 1 and Level 2(Notice the different movements for Level 1 and Level 2)
4 Minute AMRAP of:
8 Wall Balls
8 Box Jumps
8 Body Rows(Level 1)/ Pull-Ups(Level 2)
Rest 3:00 Minutes
4 Minute AMRAP of:
8 Scaled Push-Ups(Level 1)/8 Hand Release Push Ups(Level 2)
8 Hang Power Cleans @ 75/45(Level 1) 95/65(Level 2)
8 Cal Row
Rest 10:00 Minutes
4 Minute AMRAP of:
8 Wall Balls
8 Box Jumps
8 Body Rows(Level 1)/8 Pull Ups(Level 2)
Rest 3:00 Minutes
4 Minute AMRAP of:
8 Scaled Push-Ups(Level 1)/8 Hand Release Push-Ups(Level 2)
8 Hang Power Cleans @ 75/45 and 95/65
8 Cal Row
B. Competition Phase:
A. 2 Sets of the following:
15 Push Press @ 115/80/35 Seconds Hard on the Rower
*Rest 3 times the work*
B. 3 Sets of the following
10 Power Snatch @ 95/65/ 10 Burpees
*Rest 3 times the work*
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