"Mental Toughness"(10.20.2011)

Let's welcome Renee to the Vagabond Community! She is going to crush the No Grain Challenge!

I. Mental Toughness and the Mind Game:
We have all gone through it, and we all hate it. You know that feeling during a workout, where you just want to quit, and throw it down and call it quits. It’s one of the worst feelings because you want to push through that workout, but you have that little devil on your shoulder telling you that you cannot do it, and you should just give up. This happens to us all, and we just want to give in so bad. It is easier to quit, and say I will try next time. However, what makes you all different from everyone else is your desire to try your hardest and give it your all inside Vagabond CrossFit. When you hear that voice deep inside of you, where it is telling you to quit, just tell it to shut up and go away, and your going to finish this workout no matter what. Once in a great while at Vagabond CrossFit, we hit a long workout, that will not only test your physical capability, but also your Mental Toughness. Fight through it, and get through it! Once that last repetition is done and you realize you just finished a workout that you never thought that you could complete, it is one of the best feelings in the world. Just a side story, a couple weeks ago, I was going through a 60 Minute AMRAP with legless rope climbs, wall climbs, long runs, and heavy clean and jerks. 15 Minutes into the 60 minute workout, I wanted to quit and was seriously considering calling it quits, but I sucked it up, and just told myself, I laid this workout down in front of me, and it is my obligation to finish it, no matter how many rounds I get, or how long it takes to finish! Testing your Mental Toughness is a great way to see how far along you have come, and how you have evolved as an athlete within Vagabond CrossFit. We all go through it, and the person next to you might be thinking the same thing, so give that person some encouragement during the workout, and work alongside eachother! Keep your head up and keep trudging through anything that is put in front of you. You are all great, and you are all an inspiration each time you come in to Vagabond CrossFit, and you make me love my job as an owner, trainer, and a athlete!

Brett going for those Chest to Bar Pull-Ups!

II. Dynamic Specific:
3 Rounds of:
Power Skips x 10 m
Inch Worms x 5 m
High Knees x 10 m
Butt Kicks x 10 m
III. Dynamic Mobility:
High Hamstring Stretch x Band Around Pull-Up Bar
IV. Conditioning Workout of the Day:
“Mental Toughness”(Complete the following for time):
Row 1000 m
Burpees x 20 repetitions
Row 500 m
Burpees x 40 repetitions
Row 250 m
Burpees x 60 repetitions
*Level 1*
Row 750 m
Burpees x 10 repetitions
Row 400 m
Burpees x 25 repetitions
Row 200 m
Burpees x 35 repetitions
*Level 2 *
Row 1000 m
Burpees x 20 repetiions
Row 500 m
Burpees x 30 repetitions
Row 250 m
Burpees x 45 repetitions
*Level 3*
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