"Mobility and Recovery WOD"(8.28.2010)

I. Vagabond Schedule for Saturday, August 28th, 2010:
The gym will be going through some renovations, so Vagabond will be closed for the weekend. All take proper rest day with icing, stretching, and some active recovery.

II. Mobility and Recovery Workout of the Day(You can do this at your home!!):
Take 10 Minutes of your Saturday, and concentrate on stretching and flexibility.
Please watch the video and complete this homework assignment, sometime throughout the day. This will help with shoulder flexibility and shoulder extension.

III. Dates to Remember for Vagabond Events.
A. Pull-Up Clinic, Saturday, September 18th, 2010(10$)
B. Olympic Lifting Clinic, Sunday, September 26th, 2010(15$)
C. Rugged Manic 5K, Saturday, October 2nd, 2010