"Monday and Tuesday Workout of the Day"

*Monday Workout of the Day, July 11th, 2011*

A. Max Handstand Push-Ups, Sets of 2, rest 3:00 minutes between sets
1. 13 reps
2. 10 reps

B. Heavy Single of Power in 8 Minutes:
Worked up to 235 lbs, and ran out of time. Got side tracked from some business stuff going on and some problems in the gym.

C. Unbroken Power Cleans: For Time of:
21 Unbroken Power Cleans @ 135 lbs- 41 seconds
Rest 120 seconds
15 Unbroken Power Cleans @ 135 lbs- 30 seconds
Rest 90 seconds
9 Unbroken Power Cleans @ 135 lbs- 18 seconds

D. Tabata Double Unders: 20:10 x 8 Rounds
Lowest Number of Reps: 29

Tuesday, Workout of the Day, July 12th, 2011
A. 3-2-1-3-2-1(Wave Loading) Push Press
B. 7 Sets of:
AMRAP(-1) Handstand Push-Ups
Row 250 m @ 97% with gas mask

All rows between 48.6 to 49.8
1: 10
2: 9
3: 9
4: 8
5: 7
6: 6
7: 6