My energy level is pretty low as of late, as the business end is starting to wear me out, and also just waiting for these regionals to end, and just get back to regular life. I am looking forward to competing, but it is draining in a sense, as I work out by myself everyday, which is fine, but I do miss the team aspect of working out with others. After the regionals are over, I will take a week off, and just try to regroup and see what I want to do with the next year of training.
I hit a partner workout with one of my trainers, just to switch it up a little bit, and I did go off of coach mikes programming, but in a sense it was a good change of plan, and it helped me out mentally in the long run.
Monday, May 14th, 2012 Workout:
Complete 12 Rounds as a team of the following:
Sled Drag x 30 meters @ 100 lbs
7 Handstand Push Ups
Run 200 Meters
*Cash Out*
20 Rope Climbs @ 15 Feet