Month of February: Jill Marie

Jill Marie February

Month you were born in: 


Where you are originally from and/or where you live now:

  I grew up in Suffield, CT and lived in Northampton, MA for almost 10 years before moving to Easton November 2014.

What days/times you typically train at VBC: 

typically I train in the evenings around 4:30, Monday-Friday and 10am Saturdays with the comp crew

 My proudest accomplishment(s) in my training: 

the running/OHS workout at Southie. neither are my best movements, but somehow I shut my mind off and just went and was very proud of my time!

Some current training goals and/or personal goals are: 

my two training goals have been pretty long standing-hit a 200# clean and 10 unbroken ring muscle ups.  currently I’m at a 190# clean and 8 muscle ups, so I see my goals being crushed this coming training season! I’ve only been at Vaganond for a year, and my progress due to the programming, coaching, support, and amazing athletes I train with everyday, has been pretty awesome! 

What’s the best thing about Vagabond: 

The support system.  A lot of people say the people they workout with are like family.  The people at Vagabond aren’t like family to me, they are my family. I come in almost everyday, and the days I don’t, I miss it, and the days I don’t feel like it, I do anyway, because I know once I walk through the doors, it’s where I’m supposed to be.  There have been several times I don’t think I can do something, or I want to give up on a workout, but it never fails, someone pushes me just a little bit further and is there when I needed them.  Vagabond has given me way more confidence in what I can do inside the gym for sure, but above all else has given me friends that are more like family, and that’s better than anything I could have asked for!