*Regular Scheduled Classes for the rest of the week*
*Vagabond CrossFit Olympic Lifting Class on Tuesday, April 17th @ 6:35 pm. Click HERE to see Workout.*
*The Vagabnd No Grain Challenge Starts on Monday, April 30th, 2012*
The Vagabond No Grain Challenge is right around the corner, and we are still accepting people for the competition. The cost of the competition will be 15$, and the winner will receive a hefty portion of money for best results in the competition. We will take body fat calculations, measurements, and results in three hand pick domains of fitness. This is the best time of the year to lose that weight, but also challenge yourself in the meantime. The No Grain Challenge will last 50 days, and will take us right up until the summertime. This is a perfect time to shed those unwanted pounds, and get into the best shape of your life. On April 30th, we will take measurements, and have an Open Gym Style Day, where people will go through the workouts, get measured, and found out your body fat percentage through a calculator. If you have not paid yet for the time No Grain Challenge, please hand in the money to Kevin, and you will be all set to go. PLEASE EMAIL THE FOLLOWING TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT FOR THE NO GRAIN CHALLENGE.
*Next On Ramp Class Date Starts Monday, April 23rd, 2012*
On Ramp is a prerequisite and will prepare you to safely complete a regular class. A new session will start on Monday, April 23rd. These classes run three times a week for two weeks. The next open on ramp will begin April 23rd. There are no more than 10 people per session so that we can ensure our athletes get the attention they need and can graduate feeling confident in their ability and knowledge of CrossFit. If you would rather complete the On Ramp individually or if these days and times don’t work for you, then we have a 5 session personal training option as well. These personal training sessions will also prepare you in movements and progressions like the class. If you are not sure which is the best path for you to take in order to reach your fitness goals please call us and make a free appointment for and assessment with one of our certified trainers. For all questions please call or email us at:
[email protected] or 508 930 8734
*The Top Picture is of the Sling Shot, which is a new item that is hanging around in Vagabond CrossFit. It is used to help assist in push-ups, but also helps with keeping you in a good position for the push up, which in turns keeps your shoulders in a healthy, stable, and injury free position. If you struggle with push-ups, give these try, and see what happens.*
I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
5 minutes of movement prep work
3 rounds of
db ext. rot. x 4/side
superman to hold x 10 reps
hollow rock x 10 sec.
double unders x 20 reps(Attempts Count)
II. Lifestyle Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Fitness Phase: Level 1 and Level 2
10 Minutes @ 80% Effort of:
Row 350 Meters
Wall Balls x 10 reps
Rest 10 Minutes
10 Minutes @ 80% Effort of:
Burpees x 10 reps
Kettlebell Swings x 10 reps
Goblet Squat x 10 reps
B. Competition Phase:
A. 2 Sets of the following:
12 Power Snatches @ 105/75 lbs/Run 200 meters, rest 4 mins between sets
B. 3 Sets of the following:
15 Deadlifts @ 205 lbs/125 lbs/12 Burpees/9 Cals on Airdyne, rest 4 mins between sets
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