"On the Minute Back Squat"(12.12.10)

Overhead Lunges have seen to be helping with Overhead Squats and Core Stability with some of our Vagabonds!

I. Sunday Slug Fest Workout of the Day Class Time:
11:00 am Class Time
*Come on in and get your workout on to end the weekend off right!*
II. “Sunday Slug Fest Workout of the Day”:
“Back Squat on the Minute”(On the Minute Every Minute):
Complete prescribed amount of Back Squat on the Minute.
Men Use 65 lbs/Women use 45 lbs.
*On the first minute you will complete 1 rep of back squat, on the second minute you will complete two reps, and so on until you can no longer complete the prescribed amount of reps in the time allotted.*
III. Competitors Scheduled Workout of the Day:
A. Push Press, 5 sets of 1
B. Pull-Ups on the Minute
*Complete prescribed amount of Pull-Ups on the Minute. On the first minute you will complete one pull-up, on the second minute you will complete two pull-ups, and so on until you can no longer complete the prescribed amount of pull-ups in the time allotted.
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