"Opens Workout 12.2 Run Through"(3.1.2012)

Danielle has been putting some work in and every week she is improving! Great Job Danielle!

*The CrossFit Opens Workout 12.2 is out, and we will be running the same schedule like we did last week. For those who are taking part in the mini competition this Saturday, you will be performing a run through and practice of the workout. For those who have no chance of making the workout on Saturday, you will be performing the workout on Thursday. For those who are not participating in the Opens Workout, you will be performing the Fitness Workout designated for Thursday. Good Luck to Everyone!*

*Next On Ramp Session Begins on Monday, March 12th @ either 10:30 am or 7:30 pm.*

* Next On Ramp Session Starts on Monday, March 12th and will run for two weeks on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday*

Our Next On Ramp Beginner’s Class starts on Monday, March 12th at either 10:30 am or 7:30 pm, and will run on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. We are still accepting people for this class session, but spots are limited, so please contact Vagabond CrossFit at either [email protected] or call us at 508 930 8734 to schedule your free assessement today!

The Reebok CrossFit Games 12.2 Workout

I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
5 minutes of movement prep work
(dynamic movement – focus on hips)
2 rounds of
superman x 10 reps w/ 3 sec. holds
Indian Push-Ups x 10 reps
Push Press x 5 reps @ light weight
Coach B Progressions x Snatch Vaeriation
II. Lifestyle Phases Strength and Conditioning:(Inspired by Jason Leydon)
A. Fitness Phase: For Those who want to hit a workout, and get some work in.
1 Round of the following:
3 Push press @ 135/95, 95/65
20 Box Jumps @ 20/16
rest 2 minutes
3 minute amrap
Row (80%/90%/100% for respective minutes)
rest 2 minutes
1 Round of the following:
3 Push Press @ 135/95, 95/65
20 Box Jumps @ 20/16
rest 2 minutes
5 minute amrap
20 abmat sit ups
20 M Bear Crawls
rest 2 minutes
1 Round of the following:
3 Push Press @ 135/95, 95/65
20 Box Jumps @ 20/16
rest 2 minutes
AMRAP 3 Minutes of:
Row(80%/90%/100% for respective minutes)
B. Competition and Fitness Phase(People Peforming the Opens Workout):
Review of the Snatch, Coach B Warm-Ups, and Snatch Progressions… Feel the Opens Workout 12.2 out, and Game Plan.
Complete the following for no time component:
5 Snatches on the Minute x 5 Minutes @ lightweight
Rest 3:00 Minutes
5 Snatches on the Minute x 5 Minutes @ lightweight(little bit heavier than above)
Rest 3:00 Minutes
5 Snatches on the Minute x 5 Minutes @ light weight(little bit heavier than above)
Rest 3:00 Minutes
Last Set Work on Form and Tech.. x 10 Minutes
*Do not go heavy and stay very light, and concentrate on gaming for the Opens Workout, and just hitting this with technique in mind.*
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