"Overhead Development and Pull and Push"(10.14.2010)

Open Those Hips and Mobilize those Adductors Ladies!!!

I. Vagabond Team Workout of the Day:
We have had good amount of people sign up for the Team Workout that will be gracing its presence upon Vagabond in two weeks, so please plan accordingly and make sure you come into Vagabond on Saturday, October 30th, 2010 @ 10:30 am. The Workout will consist of either a 3 team or 4 team workout. It should be a fun event and last an estimated 1 hour long. Clear your schedule and make sure you save the date for this event.

II. Vagabond Future Webpage is in Progress:
Check out the new Vagabond webpage that should be up and running within 30 days. Leave your feedback and comments in the comments section. This webpage should be up and running within 30 days, as myself and a friend start working on it daily.


III. Vagabond Olympic Lifting Clinic:
There is one spot left open for the Vagabond Olympic Lifting Clinic on Saturday, November 20th, 2010 @ 4:00 pm. So, if you are interested in improving your lifts and gettting some quality training session time in, make sure you attend this event. In the coming weeks, I will be attending the United States Weightlifting Course to try to attain my Sports Performance Coach Certification, so I should be flooded with new information to pawn off on all you Vagabonds.

IV. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Coach B Warm-Up(Snatch Variation)
Band Hangs(Shoulder Openers)
Super Adductor Openers(Wall Openers)
Hamstring Stretch(Bands)
Running Progressions

V. Overhead Development and Metabolic Conditioning Workout of the Day:
A. 5 sets of the following:
2 Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
B. “Pull and Push”(21-15-9) of:

*Level 1*
Deadlifts @ 135/85

*Level 2*
Deadlifts @ 185/125
Banded Ring Dips

*Level 3*
Deadlifts @ 225/155
Ring Dips(Full Range of Motion)

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