"Overhead Strength Development"(7.16.2010)

I. The Games Are on This Weekend!!
The 2010 CrossFit Games are starting on Friday at 6:00 pm. The best CrossFitters in the world are meeting head to head to find out who is the fittest person alive. Who will win this year? Will Mikko Salo make a repeat performance and win two years in a row? Will Chris Spealler, the icon of CrossFit, finally be crowned the fittest person alive? Will Heather Keenan represent the Northeast and take home the Women’s Title? or will there be that darkhorse that comes out of nowhere and surprises everyone? The Games are being held in Los Angeles, California this year at the Home Depot Center, which is quite a step up from the Ranch in Aromas. The great thing about the games this year is you can watch it live on the internet. They will be setting up a live webcast, so for those unfortunate people like myself, who could not make to the Games this year, we can watch live on our computer. Check out the live webcast online starting at 6:00 pm on Friday Night.

II. Pose Running and Endurance Class Open Spots
Anyone who is interested in coming to the Pose Running and Endurance Class on Sunday at 10:00 am is more than welcome to join. The cost is 10$ per class, which is quite a steal for such an in depth class. Please, let me know if you are interested or just show up.

III. Skill Development Warm-Up:
A1. Hollow Rocks x 30 seconds x 3 sets, rest 15 seconds
A2. Supermans x 30 seconds x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds

* Rotate between the two exercises*

IV. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Good Mornings
Butt Kicks
90 Degree Quad Stretch
High Knees
PVC Pass Thrus
Jumping Jacks
3:00 Minutes of Shoulder Mobility(Lacrosse Balls)

V. Strength WOD(Upper Body)
Push Press(1-1-1-1-1)(Compare to April 12th and April 19th, 2010)

VI. Metabolic Conditioning Workout of the Day:
“Overhead Strength Development”
Start: 800 m Row
3 Rounds for time of’:
Shoulder Press x 5
Pull-Ups x 10
Push Press x 15
Burpees x 20

* Use a load for press movements, that can be maintained throughout the workout. Do not use a load for push press, that you cannot use for shoulder press*
*Suggested Load for Press Movements is 60% to 70% of your 1 rep max for shoulder press*

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