Kat has started the On Ramp Program and already looks solid in her Air Squat Position! Welcome to Vagabond CrossFit!
I. CrossFit Games Open Qualifiers:
Hey Everyone,
If you are willing to spend 10$ for 6 weeks of performing a workout once a week, then sign up for the CrossFit Games Open Qualifiers. We will be programming the workout once a week anyways into our regular programming, so everyone gets a chance to perform the Open Qualifers in some way or form. If you think you can perform the workouts as prescribed, then I encourage you to sign up and take a go at it. Here are the directions to sign up and represent Vagabond CrossFit!
1. Go to: https://games.crossfit.com/
2. Click “Register”
3. Click “Register as an Athlete”
4. Enter your email address, create a password, check the boxes, and click “sign up”
5. Enter your billing info. (the whole season costs $10) and click “review order”
6. Make sure everything is correct and click “submit order”
7. Feel free to upload a photo and add any personal info. you wish
8. Click “Athletes and Teams” near the top right and select “Find Teams”
9. Search “Vagabond CrossFit” and then select “Join”
10. Take a deep breath. You did it!
II. Dynamic Mobility and Fundamental Prep Movements:
A.”Mobility Tuesday”, Work out those problems areas and get on a lacrosse ball, foam roller, or any object for 10 Minutes to work out some of that myofascia in your body.
B. Fundamental Prep Movements: 7 Minutes of going over Fundamental Movements:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Push Press
Overhead Squat
III. Metabolic Conditioning Workout of the Day:
“PotHole”(5 Rounds for time):
30 DB Push Press @ 40 lbs/25 lbs
30 Walking Lunges
*This is meant to be a sprint and with little rest time as possible. If you think the weight for the Dumbbell Push Press is going to be too much and will make it rest too much during the workout, drop the weight to ensure you are moving constantly during the workout.*
IV. Competitors Schedule Workouts of the Day:
A. Snatch Progressions, 5 sets of 1, Build to a Heavy Single for the following movements:
Mid Thigh Snatch(Full Squat)
Deck Snatch(Full Squat)
*1 Rep consists of performing a mid thigh snatch and deck snatch.*
B. Running Sprints, 8 x 100 m Sprint, Rest 1:00 Minute between each set
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Atta Girl Kat, keep up the good work. See ya after On Ramp.
Did the sprinting workout this evening. Felt good to run! … Worked up to 82# on the snatch, which I believe is a PR for me. lol. It’s such a hard concept for me to “fall under the bar”, but after Kevin & JT redirected me it felt a little better. Good luck to everyone giving the online qualifiers a try … it should be a great experience for us all!!