"Power Day"(6.14.2011)
I. Gymnastics Basics Class Time:
It is official and will be coming soon. Every Tuesday, starting June 28th, 2011 Vagabond CrossFit will be offering a speciality class for all Vagabonds free of charge. Heather Dunlap, who has been a competitive gymnasts and coach for over a twenty years will be running the basics gymnastics class every Tuesday. The gymnastics class will be part of your membership and will require no extra fee. We are offering this class to help you with your gymnastics skills, but also give you another source of valuable information. The Gymnastics Class will run every Tuesday at 5:30 pm and will require a pre-registration. There will be sign up sheet on the table when you walk into the gym. The Gymnastics Sessions will run for 3 weeks and we strongly encourage you go to all three classes for the three weeks as each class will build upon eachother. Please, take advantage of this class and sign up soon, as class size will be restricted!
Gymnastics Class Schedule on Tuesday at 5:30 pm:
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 @ 5:30 pm
Tuesday, July 5th, 2011 @ 5:30 pm
Tuesday, July 12th, 2011 @ 5:30 pm
*First 3 Weeks of Class Outline*
Three week Gymnastics class: One hour of basic gymnastics skill progressions, working on core strength, spatial awareness and inverted work as skill levels develop.
II. Dynamic Movement Pre-Warm-Up( 5 to 7 Minutes before class):
3 Rounds of the following movements:
Row 250 m
Air Squat x 15 reps
Run 200 m
III. Class Warm-Up:
Coach B Progressions: Snatch Variation
Up and Down
Elbows High and Outside
Muscle Snatch
2 Inches
4 Inches
6 Inches
IV. Mobilization Piece Warm-Up:
1. 3 Way Shoulder Stretch- 1 Minute each arm
2. Squat Openers Against Wall- 3 Minutes Total in Against Wall
V. Strength and Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. “Power to the 5”
You will have 6 Minutes to establish a 5 rep max in the Power Snatch. There will be on stipulation throughout this 6 minutes. You will have 30 seconds to complete at all 5 reps for it to count as a 5 rep max. You will go for your heaviest load within that six minutes. You will have as many attempts as possible to establish a 5 rep max in 30 seconds. You may drop the bar and it may leave your hand, but remember you have 30 seconds to complete the 5 repetitions.
B. “Snatch and Pull”
5 Rounds for time of:
7 Power Snatches
7 Pull-Ups
*Level 1*
Power Snatches @ 85/55
*Level 2*
Power Snatches @ 105/70
*Level 3*
Power Snatches @ 120/85
Post Weights Used and Time to Complete to Comments.
Good fun fast work out on the wod, The strength part felt a bit rushed though but it helped me prepare for the wod.
It is always great to embrace these goat workouts because these are definitely one of my many goats. Good job to all the afternoon classes today … everyone put in 100% effort!