Vagabonds Performing their Workout of the Day!
I. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Monostructural Warm-Up x 3:00 Minutes
Mobilization with lacrosse balls x 7:00 Minutes
Shoulder Mobilization(Band Hangs)
Shoulder Opener Drills
Review Press Movements(Press, Push Press, Push Jerk)
II. Strength Workout of the Day:
“Press Regiment”(Go for Maxes in each lift)
Shoulder Press, 5-5-5-5-5
Push Press, 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk, 1-1-1-1-1
*You will complete all three movements in the Push Series of CrossFit’s Fundamental Movements. You will go for 5 rep max in shoulder press, a 3 rep max in push press, and 1 rep max in push jerk. We will review all the movements to ensure safety and efficiency in each movement.*
III. Competitors Schedule Workouts of the Day:
A. “Press Regiment”
Shoulder Press, 5-5-5-5-5
Push Press, 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk, 1-1-1-1-1
B. Muscle-Ups, 10 sets of 3
*There is no time domain to this workout, your only goal will be to go unbroken on the 3 reps that you will perform for each movement. Your concentration will be full lock out at the bottom with hands turned out.*
Post Weights Used for Each Press Movement.*
Marci, AMAZING job this AM!
3 PR’s in one day? Dont mind if i do!
THAT’S what Marci did!!
This was great, I always welcome strength focus days like these since strength is my weakness compared to other contending competitors. Got 125×5 on the shoulder press which is a PR since I have never done a 5 rep max for this movement. Attempted 135 and failed on the 5th rep, was soo frustrated but it was good to get all that volume on shoulder pressing. Then worked up to 165×3 on the push press, 5 pounds below pr. Attempted 175 twice but failed on rep 3. Worked up to 205 on the push jerk which is equal to my last pr. Attempted 215 once but failed.
Afterwards did the 10 sets of 3 unbroken muscle ups, and got every set except the last one unbroken, had to make huge kips to make up for the fact that my shoulders were fatigued and arms felt like shit in general, overall a great training session and looking forward to resting tommorrow. See you all either Saturday morning or Saturday night for the xmas party! Be there!