"Pressing Development and Squats"(8.31.2010)

Split Jerk Feet Positioning…

“Drug and Alcohol Charity Event” at CrossFit Delaware Valley, Saturday, November 13th, 2010:
I have some great news and a great event for anyone who is willing to attend a great fundraiser for a great cause. I have been speaking to Carlos Gibson from CrossFit Delaware Valley over the last 2 weeks and he has decided to put on a fundraiser to raise money for drug rehabilation sites for recovering drug addicts. Carlos brother, Frankie, died four years ago to a heroin overdose and has been a big part in Carlos success as a CrossFitter. Carlos has dedicated time to make aware the problem that America is facing with drug addiction in our society. I myself am taking part in this great event, and trying to get the word out to all CrossFit Affiliates to make donations to his charity organization. The proceeds will go to two rehab facilities that house recovering drug addicts. This is a awareness event to recoginize the problem American faces in the epidemic of drug addiction.

I. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Monostructural Warm-Up x 3:00 Minutes(Bike, Row, or Aerodyne)
Hip Mobility x 2:00 Minutes( each leg)
Holding Squats x 3:00 Minutes
Shoulder Mobility
Butt Kicks
High Knees

II. Skill Development Exercise(Split Jerk Variation Pressing Overhead):
Feet Position x 2:00 Minutes
Overhead Position x 3:00 Minutes

III. Strength and Skill Sets Workouts of the Day:
A1. Pressing Development, Push Press x 1, Power Jerk x 1, Split Jerk x 1 , x 5 sets, rest 30 seconds
A2. Toes to Bar, 8-12 reps x 5 sets, rest 3:00 minutes
B. “Tabata Squats”, 20 seconds on/10 seconds off x 8 Rounds

* For Pressing Development, you will go up in weight each set, if you fail at push press, then move onto Power Jerk, if you fail at Power Jerk, then move onto Split Jerk.*

* Toes to Bar Scaling Options*
Advanced: Toes to Bar
Intermediate: Knees to Elbows
Beginner: Anchored Sit-Ups x 20 reps x 5 sets

Post Weights Used and Lowest Number of Reps Completed for Tabata Squats.