Rest Day or Make-Up WOD’s
It is most people’s rest day, if you however missed a WOD in the last three days, come by and get slayed at the garage for some make-up love with Vagabond CrossFit… Come by garage at regular hours between 9:30 am and 11:30 am and 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
The following day we will hit a nice dumbbell workout that will test our strength, but also our agility. The following excerpt is from Michael Rutherford, one of the top CrossFit Coach’s in the business, about the benefits of dumbbells and the overrated kettlebell. I, myself, have always been a firm believer that dumbbells are more productive in the sports world and overall a harder workout, but also creates a good replacement for the barbell for any type of powerlifting or oly lift. Michael Rutherford spits the truth in this journal article from 2007 about the benefits of dumbbell use and dumbbell training:
“As a CrossFit coach and athlete, I find dumbbells advantageous in the following ways.
– Require little space. You can toss one in your trunk and drive to a field or park for a workout. There is no need for bars and clamps and weight trees.
– Inexpensive. Since all you need is the bell itself then all the other stuff is not required. I might note that even though I own kettlebells I don’t find them to be superior to dumbbells and in most cases the cost to benefit ratio points clearly to the advantages of the dumbbell.
– Great for joint stability.
– Versatility. This is my favorite. You can duplicate any classical movement and then some.
– Positive Transfer. Don’t confuse this with rolling around on a Swiss Ball. Great things happen when using dumbbells in your conditioning. Just using dumbbells can add about 10% more effort to a workout as opposed to barbells. I can personally attest that I have seen athletes improve in the following by using dumbbells training exclusively.
– Vertical Jump
– Balance
– Acceleration
– Hip Flexibility
– Torso and abdominal strength”