Some of the Boys Doing Some Contract/Relax Method(A little close man to man action as K Star would say), but if it gets the job done, then your good to go!
I. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Monostructural Warm-Up(Bike, Row, or Jump Rope)
Split Lunge Stretch
Horizontal Scap Mobilization Variations
Ankle and Feet Openers
Partner Shoulder Stretch
II. Strength and Metabolic Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Push Jerk, 5 sets of 1 @ 85% of 1 Rep Max(Stay at 85% for all 5 sets)
*Get Results from August 23rd, and October 18th*
B.”Round, Round, and Round We Go”(3 Sets As Fast As Humanly Possible):
30 Kettlebell Swings @ 55/35
20 Pull-Ups
10 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24/20
*Rest 2 minutes and 30 seconds between each set*
III. Beast of East Competitors:
A little change in schedule, as this will be your last hard day of working out. On Wednesday, we will be hitting a tempo interval training day in running, and on Thursday, you will have an active recovery day. Friday, will be a complete rest, except for a 2 mile cool down run, followed by a nice dinner at Ross’ house.
Post Weights Used and Times for Metabolic Conditioning Workout.
i am diggin this workout cant wait to see how the 9amers do and then for the 530pm crew…..will be a great day today! P.S. anyone can come over to the house just let me know and if you would like to bring something to add to the meal you are more than welcome!!! it will be nice hanging with the gym crew before the battle!!!
that rest between rounds isnt doing this any justification, should be fun for the family
I cant feel my shoulders today. Great workout yesterday, enjoyed the squats, did not enjoy the f-ing wall balls.
Yeah walking up the hill to get to my class was pretty amusing today … so was walking down the hill. haha. =)
Cant wait for Kev to show us how to walk on water…
got 1055 on the wod….felt really werid and almost sick after wod but a few of us felt that way so i am not concerned……see everyone tomorrow!
13:30 w/ 10 pull ups each round. Great workout!!!
I’ll bring something Ross, what would you like me to bring? Garlic Bread? lol