"Row and Run"(3.8.2011)
I. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Core Temperature Warm-Up
High Hamstring Stretch(Partner Hamstring Stretch, each person teams up with someone to stretch hamstring)
Calf Stretch
Box Hamstring Lacrosse Ball(Sit on Box with ball in hamstring area
5 Minutes of Squat Test(Fcous on Feet being pointed straight ahead and creating torque to keep arch of foot down on ground)
II. Fundamentals Training( 15 reps each):
Air Squat
Overhead Squat
Shoulder Press
III. Metabolic Conditioning Workout of the Day:
For Time of the following movements:
Row 250 m
Run 200 m
*Rest 1:30*
Row 500 m
Run 400 m
*Rest 3:00*
Row 250 m
Run 200 m
*Rest 1:30*
Row 500 m
Run 400 m
IV. Competitors Schedule Workouts of the Day:
AMRAP 12 of:
10 Box Jumps
25 Air Squats
50 m KB Farmer’s Carry
Post Total Time to Comments.
this will be a good WOD cant wait!!
So this workout kicked my behind … got 20:02. Geepers … rowing hates me, but the feeling is mutual. Been working on a strength program that Kevin made me for bench press for about … 8 weeks now I think. Today we did a retest of my 1 rep max and I got a 10# PR to 135#. I was quite surprised … these strength programs are awesome. Thanks Kev!
Niiiiice!! Damn girl!! That’s impressive.