Jay came in Post Knee Surgery and Could Not Run! He is now running and quickly becoming a Firebreather!
I. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Monostructural Warm-Up x 4:00 Minutes(Jump Rope)
Partner Hamstring Stretch
Partner Shoulder Mobility Stretch
Squat Openers Series
Super Samson Stretch
Spiderman Stretch
II. Skill Sets and Metabolic Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A1. L-Sits on Paralletes x 15 seconds x 4 sets
Rest 1:00 Minute
A2. Handstand Push-Ups x 5 reps x 4 sets
(Phase 1): Handstand Holds x 20 seconds x 4 sets
(Phase 2): Handstand Push-Ups(Bands or Abmat) x 5 reps x 4 sets
(Phase 3): Handstand Push-Ups(FROM) x 5 reps x 4 sets
Rest 1:00 Minute
B. “Row and Tabata Intervals”
Row 1000 m
Rest 1:00 Minute
Tabata Bottom to Bottom Squats
Rest 1:00 Minute
Row 1000 m
*Tabata Bottom to Bottom Squats is a cycle of 20 seconds of Squatting/ 10 seconds of rest at the bottom of the squat. You will perform 20 seconds of squats, then rest 10 seconds at the bottom of the squat for 8 Rounds.*
III. Competitors Schedule Workouts of the Day:
A. Box Squat, 10 sets of 2 @ 60% of 1 Rep Max
*Rest 15 seconds on box, relaxing all your muscles, when you are ready to go up, contract all your muscles and explode up.*
B. GHD Rasies, 3 sets of 10
C. “Gwen”
15-12-9 reps of:
Unbroken Clean and Jerks @ 135/95 lbs
*Rest as needed between sets.*
Post Times to Comments.
Jay is TRAPZILLLLLAAAAAAA!!!! great wod today did gwen all unbroken box squats at 195lbs 10 sets of 2 and 3 sets of 10 GHD raises….also i stayed for the 530pm class and did the 4 sets of Lsit for 15 secs and handstand pushups bc they are my goats but i rocked all of them unbroken so i am happy about it!!!
You the man Jay!
Did the competitor schedule with Ross and Mike Dillon. used 175 on the box squats
Then did Gwen, all reps felt good and went unbroken, afterwards did the 3 sets of 10 ghd raises and felt fast and explosive.
Then had the pleasure of running the 530pm class, and watching my fellow Vagabonds suffer through those bottom to bottom tabata squats!