"Running Thrusters"(6.28.2011)
I. Basics Gymnastics Class at Vagabond CrossFit:
The Basic Gymnastics Class will be held at Vagabond CrossFit at 5:30 pm starting this Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 for now on for every Tuesday @ 5:30 pm. All current Vagabond CrossFit athletes, can attend this class free of charge. Anyone from outside Vagabond CrossFit, who is interested in joining the Basics Gymnastics Class, the cost of the class will only be 10$ a session. Coach Heather Dunlap will be leading the gymnastics class and we are anticipating a great showing and a great class. Please be on time and ready to go at 5:30 pm!
Basics Gymnastics Class @ 5:30 pm on Tuesday, June 28th, 2011- Basic Gymnastics Class Part 1
II. Dynamic Prep Movement:
3 Rounds of:
Lunge Complex x 10 reps
Inch Worm x 10 reps
Samson Stretch x 10 reps(5 each leg)
Air Squats x 10 reps
III. Mobilization Prep Warm-Up:
1. Front Rack Band Stretch- Prep for Front Squat Position
2. Thor. Extension on Foam Roller x 3:00 Minutes(Kettlebell Help and Distraction)
3. 90 Degree Quad Stretch- Squat Prep
IV. Conditioning Workout of the Day:
“Running Thrusters”(8 Rounds for time of):
4 Thrusters @ 145 lbs/95 lbs
Run 200 m
Post Time to Complete to Comments.
Quick burner according to Kevin. Tough workout, weight got heavy. Overall solid WOD, 11:47.
Great gymnastics class and more to come
Loving the programing lately. good 630 class everyone did pretty nasty
yahhh it was pretty hot out- great job today guys!
Thanks Heather for sharing some of your gymnastic talents with us. I am looking forward to learning more thanks again.
Thanks to all who came to the gymnastics class ! After such a brutal shoulders workout for the WOD everyone held up great. Thanks for giving it a try and I hope to see everyone back for some bar and pirolette work next week.