“Saturday 5.14.2022 + Sunday 5.15.2022”

Vagabond of the Month for April: Mike Shea


What’s the best thing about Vagabond: Everything. The coaches are great and knowledgeable. And like everyone says its the People, and if you’ve been here longer than 2 weeks you see why. Everyone helps and pushes each other and are genuinely happy and excited for each other when you hit a milestone or PR.

I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
3 minutes of z1 work
5 Minutes of the following:
Client Option Warm-Up


II. Phases Strength + Conditioning of the following:

A. Lifestyle + Fitness Phase

Saturday, May 14th, 2022:

Vagabond Community Day

Teams of Two Complete the following of:

35 Minutes on the Clock of the following:

400 Meter Run or Row 500 Meters or 30 Cal Assault Bike

50 Burpees

50 Hang Power Cleans or Russian KBS or Ball Slams

400 Meter Run or Row 500 Meters or 30 Cal Assault Bike

50 Goblet Squats or Front Squats or OH Squats

50 Pull Ups or TRX Row

100 Meter KB or DB Farmer’s Walk

*Break all up into half reps, must finish one movement before moving onto the next movement*


Sunday, May 15th, 2022:

Rest Day/Open Gym

A. Scap/Recovery Work of the following:

A1. Banded Pull Aparts, 20 reps x 3 sets, rest as needed.

A2. Banded Push-Downs, 20 reps x 3 sets, rest as needed.

A3. Banded Curls, 20 reps x 3 sets, rest as needed.


B. Conditioning of the following:

4 Sets of the following:

6 Minutes on the Clock of the following:

200 Meter Run or 250 Meter Row or 15 Cal Assault Bike

30 Jump Rope Singles(20 Double Unders)

20 Second Plank Hold or Plank Walk Outs

15 DB Push Press or Barbell Push Press

10 Goblet Squats or Wall Balls

5 DB Row or Barbell Row Slow Tempo

Rest 2 Minutes between sets by stretching, foam rolling, etc.

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