Matt working his Hamstring Range of Motion before Class. Take care of yourself and your body, by working on mobility everyday!
*Schedule for Saturday, December 17th, 2011: 9:00 am Regular Group Class and 9:50 am Gymnastics Class*
*Click HERE for Gymnastics Class News and Workout.*
*Vagabond CrossFit Gymnastics Class on Saturday, December 17th @ 9:50 am. We moved the Gymnastics Class, so that all you Vagabonds can have a chance to attend the class and work with Coach Heather on some of your weaknesses. This class is a must attend, and will only benefit you in the long run. The Gymnastics Class will run right after the 9:00 am Regular Group Class!*
I. Dynamic Specific Prep Warm-Up:
Dynamic Stretch x 5 to 7 Minutes
Mobility Prep Warm-Up
Coaches Option
II. Lifestyle Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Fitness Phase:
*Level 1*
A.AMRAP 6 Minutes x 3 sets, rest period 120 seconds between sets
5 Ring Rows
15 Overhead Plate Lunges @ 25/15
5 Burpee to Target to 45 lbs plate
20 Single Unders
*Level 2*
A. AMRAP 6 Minutes x 3 sets, rest period 120 seconds between sets
5 Increase Ring Rows(Box, Plate, whatever to increase bodyweight)
15 Overhead Plate Lunges @ 45/25
5 Burpees to Target to 45 lbs plate
10 Double Unders
B. Will(Competition) Phase:
A.Front Squat, 5 sets of 3 @ 80%, sets across
B.AMRAP 20 Minutes of:
5 Power Cleans @ 115/80 lbs
10 Pull-Ups
15 Wall Balls
Run 200 m
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