"Saturday and Sunday Workouts"(4.3.2011)

*Rest Day Friday*
Possible tear in my AC Joint in my shoulder, so I am taking somewhat easy on some movements. I did go to a ART on Friday, and he did some work on my shoulder and spine, and I feel alot better. I am going to visting him at least two times a week now, to work out some problems and keep on top of everything. I am getting x rays and a mri done on Monday, to get a better diagnosis on my shoulder. So, looking forward to see what the real problem is as well. I also talk to Dr. Ryan Hewitt, who is a chiropractor in North Andover, and also an elite crossfitter as well, and got some good information from him as well. It is always good to know people in the community.

Also, another update on my ever growing mind on contacting some of the best trainers in country. I have created a relationship with Ricky Frausto Jr. from CrossFit Omaha in Nebraska. Ricky is a Games Veteran, but also a great coach and programmer. He shares the same ideals and viewpoints on programming, and I am pumped he will be aiding me in my goal to becoming a better programmer for Vagabond CrossFit. Check out his site and see what the guys does. He is a great mind and a great person to contact.


Saturday Workout of the Day, April 2nd, 2011:
Games WOD 2
AMRAP 15 Minutes of:
9 Deadlifts @ 155 lbs
12 Hand Release Push-Ups
15 Box Jumps @ 24 inches

Total Rounds: 12 rounds plus + 10 reps

* I would have gotten over 13 rounds, if I was not a bonehead, and only set the clock for 14 minutes. I am an idiot lol. Oh well, there was no way I was doing this workout over again, since I did it Saturday night at 10:00 pm. If I did it Sunday, I believe it would have caused injury or just more fatigued, which I do not need in my life right now. Also, I know for myself, I would have gotten a better score with that extra minute.*

Sunday, Workout of the Day, April 3rd, 2011:
A. Overhead Squats, 3 sets of 3, sets across @ 185 lbs
*This was a medium weight for myself, and not very hard, but just wanted to get some overhead stuff in for strength, but also to make sure the shoulder was not getting overworked.
B. 21-15-9 of:
Overhead Squats @ 95 lbs

Total Time: 3:51
Moved through the workout quick, and believe was a few second pr on this workout.