"Skills and Drills"(1.5.2012)

Welcoming a new addition to the Vagabond Community!

*The Couple above have been a huge part of Vagabond CrossFit in their growth as a community. I would like to congratulate Chris and Rebecca on welcoming a new born baby in the summer of 2012. I would also like to congratulate Chris on his acceptance to Harvard Law School and will be taking his book smarts to Harvard beginning in the Fall of 2012! Congrats Guys!*

Vibby all smiles after her workout!

I. CrossFit Milford’s Sight on the New Year Ahead:
I thought this was a pretty good write up about the beginning of the year of 2012, and thought I would share it with you guys!
A new year, a new chance….
The saying goes that there is no better day to start than today. That is an absolutely true statement, but how many people actually stick to it. We are now entering 2012, and my question is how many people are still trying to tackle there “goals” they set in 2011? The thing with goals is this; you gotta act on them. The general rule of thumb is 48-72 hours. If you don’t take action within this time span then you run a good chance of not taking any action.
So, what I want everyone to do is line up each quarter of the year with goals that will take you to the main focus. Use CFM and it’s resources to the fullest. We have professional coaches on staff that have experience and knowledge with anything and everything in the fitness world. We have Naturpathic doctors, ART specialist, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapist, Spiritual leaders, and the best community around to support each person in there journey.
Don’t wait until 2013 rolls around and we give you the look like “are you ready now?!” Start today, set your path, ask for help, if you have plateaued, then talk to a coach and get going in another direction. Sometimes you can’t run through the wall, but you can find a thousand other ways to get around it.
2012 is another chance to get started and do what you want to do. So do it
II. Dynamic and Mobility Specific Prep Warm-Up:
3-5 minutes of Coaches Option
3 rounds of
db ext. rot. x 5/side
Plank Hold x 15 sec.
russian twist x 10
Squat Holds x 30 seconds
III. Lifestyle Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Fitness Phase:
*Level 1 and Level 2*
A. Skill Session x 10 Minutes of Ball Ups, Skin the Cats, and Ring Inverts
B. AMRAP 20 Minutes of:
5 Kettlebell Swings
15 Ball Slams @ 20/14, 14/10
30 Walking Lunges
B. Competition Phase:
Rest Day, Make-Up Workout, or 60 Minutes of Mobility Work.
*If you want to come in and work Mobility, there will be a specific Mobility Workout for all Competitors who want to work on Mobility and loosen up some things in your lower back region and Hamstrings.*
60 Minutes of Mobility Work:
1. High Hamstring and Compression Work
2. Stability Ball Work
3. Foam Roll
4. Core Stabilization and Strengthening
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