"Snatch Progressions and Jackie"(11.26.2010)
I. Friday’s Gym Schedule:
Morning Classes: 6:30 am, 7:30 am(On Ramp), 9:00 am
Afternoon Classes: 4:30 pm(On Ramp), 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm
II. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Foam Roll Discussion and Lacrosse Ball Work(Let’s Unglue those Problems Areas)
III. Strength and Metabolic Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Snatch Progressions, 5 sets at 3 Position Snatch
3 Position Snatch will come from the High Hang, Mid Thigh, and Floor.
Set 1 @ 50%
Set 2 @ 60%
Set 3 @ 65%
Set 4 @ 70%
Set 5 @ 75%
*Get 1 Rep Maxes for Snatch from September 30th, 2010.*
B. “Girl Benchmark Workout of the Day”(Jackie):
1 Round for time of:
Row 1000 m
50 Thrusters @ 45 lbs
30 Pull-Ups
*Compare to Dec 18th, 2009 and June 2nd, 2010.*
Post Weights Used and Time to Complete to Comments.
6:35 as RX’d, the thrusters hurt more than I thought they would! Good job everybody for giving it your all on this one, I saw some awsome efforts today.
628 on this wod PR’d by over a minute which i am proud of! didnt do the snatch due to my foot but did some form work instead. see u tomorrow
another big turnout for the 530 pm crew. got 635 on jackie and prd by a over a min and a half. im liking all the girl wods weve been doing lately keep them coming.
Ross, John, and Jessica-we are still down for the partner WOD up in Providence on the 4th right?? I found someone to work for me! =) Should be a good time.