
Please make donation to the CrossFit For Hope Charity Fundraiser. We have until June 9th to reach our goal as a gym, which we have set at $1500. This is an easy goal to reach with the number of members that we have. Please make a donation and give that child a chance to live a long healthy life that we all encountered at their age. If you look to the right hand side of the webpage, you will see link to make donation. It will ask you to sponsor the affiliate, and you can make your donation there by clicking on it.

Competition and Fitness Phase Working Together.

*Vagabond CrossFit On Ramp Program: Next Session Monday, June 4th @ 7:30 pm*

On Ramp is a prerequisite and will prepare you to safely complete a regular class. These classes run 3 times a week for two weeks. The next open on ramp will begin June 4th . There are no more than 6-9 people per session so that we can ensure our athletes get the attention they need and can graduate feeling confident in their ability and knowledge of CrossFit. If you would rather complete the On Ramp individually or if these days and times don’t work for you, then we have a 5 session personal training option as well. These personal training sessions will also prepare you in movements and progressions like the class. If you are not sure which is the best path for you to take in order to reach your fitness goals please call us and make a free appointment for and assessment with one of our certified trainers. Other questions email us at [email protected] or call us at 508 930 8734.


I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
5 minutes of movement prep
2 rounds of
wall angels x 5
ring face pulls x 10
spiderman lunges x 6/each side
1 Way Shoulder Stretch
II. Lifestyle Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Fitness Phase: Level 1 and Level 2
A. Close Grip Bench Press(12-16 inches grip width), 2-3 reps x 4 sets @ 31×1
B. Deadlift,, rest 2:00 minutes between each set
C. 4 Sets of the following:
2 Rounds of:
3 Thrusters @ moderate to heavy weight
Sprint 100 Meters
*Rest 2:00 Minutes between sets*
B. Competition Phase:
A. Work to a Heavy Deck Power Clean, no more than 5 sets
B. Jerk Cluster, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, work to medium to heavy weight, no missed and no maxes, rack weight everytime during your sets of 1
C. For Time of the following:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of:
Squat Cleans @ 155 lbs/95 lbs
Strict Pull-Ups
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