Kyle has made an improvements over the last 3 months, that has stunned me as a trainer. He is a picture perfect example of someone who puts in the time and effort to his training and sees the benefits!
I. Vagabond Special Sunday WOD Class Time:
If you want to come in for a workout, then do so. We will hold one class at 11:00 am, if you want to come in and wod with your fellow Vagabonds. The workout will be RX as advanced, but scaling can be used to accomodate your physical capabilities and needs.
II. “Vagabond Slug Fest on Sunday”:
On the Minute Every Minute for 20 Minutes of:
1 Weighted Pull-Up @ Your Choice
3 Burpees
6 Overhead Lunges @ Your Choice
*Rest 5:00 Minutes*
Max Double-Unders in 2:00 Minutes
I love it too!!!!! Although it clearly doesn’t say that to Kevin! lol!!! Awesome picture, Kyle’s a stud!
Not a bad wod. Used 55lbs for the pullups and 75 for the lunges. First time I’ve tried to do lunges w a barbell I’m gonna have to do more so I can learn to keep my balance I was a lil shaky today.
glad I got in a wod was very good.Also need more lunge work did 55 for pullups and 45 for lunges
hehehe I agree jill! hehe
i actually like this WOD alot i started with 50lbs with pullups but with my foot still a bit shakey and my lack of strength i bumped down to 45lbs on my pullups…i stayed at 95lbs for overhead lunges in which i thought i could go heavier. Each Rd i stayed between 20 and 23 seconds. Good job Kevin in programing this!