"Sunday Special WOD Day"(11.28.2010)

Kyle has made an improvements over the last 3 months, that has stunned me as a trainer. He is a picture perfect example of someone who puts in the time and effort to his training and sees the benefits!

I. Vagabond Special Sunday WOD Class Time:
If you want to come in for a workout, then do so. We will hold one class at 11:00 am, if you want to come in and wod with your fellow Vagabonds. The workout will be RX as advanced, but scaling can be used to accomodate your physical capabilities and needs.
II. “Vagabond Slug Fest on Sunday”:
On the Minute Every Minute for 20 Minutes of:
1 Weighted Pull-Up @ Your Choice
3 Burpees
6 Overhead Lunges @ Your Choice
*Rest 5:00 Minutes*
Max Double-Unders in 2:00 Minutes