Missing some Vagabonds in this Picture, but in the middle is KC, who the day was dedicated to for his fight against Cancer!! Great Day and Great Job by Everyone!
*Sunday, September 18th, 2011 Class Schedule: 10:00 am Class Time*
I. Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser at Vagabond CrossFit:
I just want to say thank you for everyone who came out to the Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser and gave it their all during the workout. The energy and emotion in the gym was awseome, and everyone was great. It is truly amazing to see the community we are creating, and how everyone is working together for one purpose: TO HAVE A GOOD TIME! We had some big scores, and some great efforts, and I cannot be prouder as an owner of Vagabond CrossFit with everyone’s hard work that they displayed. The biggest accomplishment throughout the day was when KC Mckenna and his father came in, and watched the final heat of workouts. It was great to see KC at the gym, and just watched everyone in ORANGE workout for him in his honor. KC has a tough road ahead, but like his father said, “He is going to Kick Cancer’s Ass”. Thank you for everyone for coming out, and you should all be proud of yourselves for sacrificing some of your Saturday afternoon for a great cause!
II. Skill and Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Double Under Skill Practice, 30 seconds of Max Double unders x 5 sets, rest 30 seconds between sets.
B. “The Conclusion”(3 Rounds for time of):
Run 400 m
25 Kettlebell Swings @ 55/35 lbs
30 m Prowler Push @ 95/65 lbs
15 Bar Facing Burpees
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