"Sunday, Workout of the Day, April 10th, 2011"

*Sunday Workout of the Day”, April 10th, 2011

Decided to hit the Games WOD 3, and pretty much will be invested into the final 3 workouts of the Games Open WOD, just to see where I am at and continue with a baseline strength program, as hopefully my shoulder gets healthier. I am still seeing an ART guys twice a week, and seems to me when I see him, I do see progress in the shoulder and range of motion. Today, it is a little sore, possibly from the second workout that I did on Sunday. The internal rotation of any movement that I perform, puts my shoulder in a bad position, and this is when the soreness or slight pain comes into play. I believe I am going to really start to practice, the external rotation of the shoulder in the Overhead position, to better equip myself with a healthier shoulder and hopefully stay away from future injuries. After the Opens, I will address the issue more keenly with an orthopedic doctor and get a diagnosis correctly. As for now, I will deal with the ART and soft tissue expert, by just releasing some of that scar tissue and fascia that has built up over the years.

Sunday Workouts of the Day, April 10th, 2011:
A. AMRAP 5 of:
165 Squat Cleans
165 Jerks
Total Rounds: 32 plus 1 rep

B. 6 Rounds of:
12 Unbroken Overhead Squats @ 95 lbs
12 Unbroken Kettlebell Swings @ 2 pood
Time: Under 8 Minutes