I. Determination and Guts:
I have noticed a pattern changing in Vagabond CrossFit for the better of the community over the last two months. People are working harder, staying around longer to cheer on their fellow Vagabonds, and a overall sense of trying to better themselves in their physical capabilities. I am truly proud of every single person within Vagabond CrossFit, and I am so proud of the community that we are creating within the gym. It is not by YOURSELF anymore, but about the Community Aspect and trying to help one another through a workout or a fear of the unknown. Thank You all for your effort and hard work!
II. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Jumping Jacks
Spiderman Lunge
Mountain Climbers
Hip Mobility Circuit
Frog Stretch
Cobra Stretch
Run 400 m
III. Strength WOD(Lower Body)
Front Squat(5-5-5)(Compare to January 22nd, 2010 or March 6th, 2010)
IV. Skill Challenge of the Week:
Max Anchored Sit-Ups x 2:00 minutes
V. Metabolic Conditioning Workout of the Day:
“Taxation without Representation”
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Box Jumps
Note: For every minute that passes during the workout, you will be taxed, a 3 burpee penalty… So for example, if Kevin takes 10 minutes to do the workout, Kevin must complete 30 burpees, at the end of all his pull-ups and box jumps to finish the workout.
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