I. Thinking Smart with Yourself:
During these times during the holiday season, we will have alot of vices creeping back into our lives, with family parties, drinking events, and deadly food habits. The times and days are getting shorter, and sometimes it is hard to get out of that house, when it is below freezing, and the nighttime has hit at 5:00 pm during the day. I made a few remarks on the webpage a couple days ago about keeping your healthy way of eating at top notch, and trying to get into the gym, even when you do not have the mentality to get into Vagabond CrossFit. I can be preachy sometimes, and always giving people an earful of information, or even asking people Why they miss the gym? All I can ask is 100 percent effort when your in the gym, and giving it your best shot. Remember, this is your life, and you at the end of the day, have control of it. Make the right decision, and think about your health in the long run. Eating healthy, getting into the gym on a consistent basis, will only boost your confidence in yourself, and at the end of the day, will only make you happier, when it is all said and done! You are all great assets to Vagabond CrossFit, and you make us as trainers, love our job each and every day. Make that goal list, accomplish those goals, and then make new ones! Everyone should have goals, and these are what drives you to be great in life!

The New Mom hitting the workout, as the other New Mom looks on! These two women have been inspirational in their ability to overcome alot of obstacles during pregnancy and after pregnancy! Great Job Ladies!
II. Dynamic Specific:
3-5 minutes af Z1 work
w/ dynamic stretches, lateral work, Thoracic ext.
Wall Squats
L-Sit hold – max time
III. Dynamic Mobility:
Squat Openers Against Wall
IV. Lifestyle Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Fitness Phase:
A. High Bar Back Squat, 5 sets of 3
B. 3 Rounds for time of:
10 Pull-Ups(Banded or Regular)
10 Front Squats @ 115/75
10 Burpees
*Level 1*
A. 3 Rounds for time of:
10 Body Rows
10 Front Squats @ 95/65
10 Burpees
*Level 2*
B. Will(Competition) Phase:
A. Barski Clean Complex, 5 sets x High Hang Position @ 75% of best clean
B. 5 Rounds for time of:
7 Deadlifts @ 255 lbs/155 lbs
5 Wall Climbs
Post Results to Comments.
Great job to the 9 am class!
Will: Not my best work, but I tried. ‘Wall climbs’ have now been added to my goat list… This list is getting longer and longer!
We all have goats and weaknesses, my list keeps growing as well. But the main thing is that your coming in and getting better each week!
Same here! My workout was a train wreck with some questionable reps (chest not touching wall) and lots of rest the last 2-3 rounds!! Very humbling experience but I’m glad I came in and did it.
Yes, you need lots of work on those handstand ring pushups and 400 pound squat cleans!!