"Thursday 6.1.2017 + Next Vagabond Beginners Class: June 5th"

*Gym Brief for the Week*
1. Vagabond Next Beginners Class on June 5th:
We offer our Beginners Program, which is mandatory before entering the group class and will be directed through a well organized and efficient program. The duration of the Beginners Class Program is 6 small group sessions, which will last two weeks long. We will teach you the fundamentals of our Strength and Conditioning Program to help make your transition into the classes a little easier for you within a small group setting.
2. Vagabond Circuit Training Class Starts on Sunday, June 25th, 2017 @ 8:00 am:
We will be starting our Spring Circuit Training Class on Sunday, March 5th, which meets every Sunday at 8 am for a 6 week span. The cost of the class is only $80 for Vagabond Members for the 6 weeks, and allows you to get a great workout in on Sunday at 8 am. It also allows you to try something different, compared to Group Classes and Speciality Classes. Limited this class to 15 people. Please see Kevin to reserve spot today.

June 5th Beginners

I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
3 minutes of z1 work
3-5 Minutes of the following:
Coach Option
3-5 Minutes of the following:
Run 100 Meters or Airdyne 25 Seconds
10 Kettlebell Swings-Russian
5 Goblet Squats
II. Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Lifestyle Phase
Double Leg or Single Leg/Core/Posterior Development + Conditioning
A. Front Squat, 6 reps x 3 sets @ 70% of 1RM, rest 1 minute.
October 10th, November 28th, 2016 + February 6th + April 10th, 2017-1RM Data
B1. DB Walking Lunges, 10 reps/each leg x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds.
B2. RKC Plank Hold Clusters, 30 seconds. Rest 10 Seconds. 30 seconds x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds.
C. AMRAP 15 Minutes of the following:
15 Goblet Squats @ moderate weight
30 Jump Rope Singles
15 Sit-Ups
30 Second Assault/Airdyne Bike
B. Fitness Phase
Bending Posterior + PC/Core + Conditioning
A. Sumo Deadlift, 2 reps @ 60%, 2 reps @ 70%, 2 reps @ 75%, 2 reps @ 85%, rest 1 minute between sets.
B1. Half Kneeling Pallof Press, 10 reps/each way x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds between sets.
B2. Banded Leg Curls, 15 reps x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds between sets.
C. AMRAP 15 Minutes of the following:
15 Wall Balls
300 Meter Run(200 + 100 meter run)
15 Box Jumps Step-Down or Step-Ups
200 Meter Row
C. Competition Phase
Rest Day/Open Gym
A.1  Rest and recovery on Sunday
A.2  Z1 activity for 30-60 minutes – do something new
A.3  Recovery – mobility work (check out mobilitywod.com), PT work, band work.
A.4 Take some time to prepare your meals and training times for the week.
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