“Thursday 7.11.2024”

Vagabond of the Month for June: Mark Whitman

Proudest accomplishment in my training: Remaining consistent. Good work out or a perceived “bad” work is better than NO workout. 

I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
2-3 Minutes of Bike/Row/Jump Rope Warm-Up

Coach Option Warm-Up for 5-7 Minutes and then to Board for Review of Workouts and Events


II. Phases Strength + Conditioning:

A. Lifestyle Phase

Upper Body/Data for Squats+ Single Leg/Core + Conditioning

A1. High Bar Back Squat Moderate, 5 reps x 4 sets, rest 15 seconds.

*1RM DATA: 5/7/24 for Back Squat

A2. Bird Dogs, 5 reps/each way @ 3 second hold each rep x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds.

B1. DB Seated EXT Rotations, 8 reps/each way x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds.

B2. DB Hammer Curls, 12 reps x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds.


C. Conditioning of the following:

8 Sets of the following:

3 Minutes @ Moderate Pace of:

8/6 Cal Assault Bike or 100 Meter Run

8 Ball Slams

8 Burpees

30 Jump Rope Singles

*Rest 30 seconds between sets*

*Start where left off*


B. Fitness Phase

Lower Body Squatting + Conditioning

A1. Front Squat(Heel Lift If Needed), 75% of 1RM, 5 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 seconds.

A2. Cable or Banded Leg Curls, 15 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 seconds.

B1. Single Leg Reverse Lunge Alternate, 8 reps/each leg x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds. 

B2. Mountain Skiers, 12 reps x 3 sets, rest 60 seconds.


C. Conditioning of the following:

8 Sets of the following:

3 Minutes @ Moderate Pace of:

8/6 Cal Row or 100 Meter Run

8 Russian KBS or 8 DB Snatch(4/each way)

8 Goblet Squats or Wall Balls

20 Double Unders(40 Jump Ropes)

*Rest 30 seconds between sets*

*Start where left off*

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