Melissa Moving Away, Good Luck to The Family on the New Adventure!
I would like to announce that the De La Vega’s have some pretty big news to share — as of last week Marcus has accepted a new job at Monomoy regional high school (which is the school for Harwich and Chatham) to teach and start a wrestling program from scratch. This is a great opportunity for their family! Melissa & Marcus and kids plan to be moved and down in Harwich for the start school.
As far Vagabond is concerned, I have spoken to Melissa and she is still going to handle all of the marketing and events but it will just be done remotely-even though she will not have a physical presence after August, except at events and visits, all of the work she does for the gym will be done as usual.
I wish Melissa De La Vega and Marcus De La Vega the best of the luck in their new home, and very happy she will be staying on the Vagabond Staff. Melissa has been instrumental to the growth of Vagabond, and also the sustainability of the business thru her hard work for Vagabond and her enthusiasm to help whenever needed. I want to send a huge thank you to her for dealing with me on an everyday basis, and couldn’t be happier for her family. Once again, I am glad she will be staying on staff to still help with all events and still have a remote presence here at Vagabond!
Thank you for all you have done and what you will do in the future for the Vagabond Community!
*Gym Brief for the Week*
1. Vagabond Next Beginners Class on August: Use Coupon in July Newsletter for Discounted Price.
We offer our Beginners Program, which is mandatory before entering the group class and will be directed through a well organized and efficient program. The duration of the Beginners Class Program is 6 small group sessions, which will last two weeks long. We will teach you the fundamentals of our Strength and Conditioning Program to help make your transition into the classes a little easier for you within a small group setting.
2. Vagabond Annual Summer Party on Saturday, August 5th @ 3:00 pm to Whenever It Ends:
S A V E the D A T E for our annual summer BBQ and pool party at the Flynn’s on Saturday August 5th! We’ll have food, yard games, swimming and fun for the whole family! Come kick back, relax and enjoy our awesome group! Thanks to the Flynn’s for hosting again this year- renovationson their gorgeous house will be done just in time! If you’ve never stopped by the farm’s nursery, be sure to when they open on Mother’s Day- it’s amazing!! Save the date for now, Vagabonds!
3. Vagabond Internal Competition Throwdown on Saturday, September 23rd
SAVE the DATE for the annual member THROWDOWN! This year we are holding this members-only competition at Vagabond from 9AM-3PM on Sept. 23rd- registration will be open soon! This is always a great day at Vagabond and is open to all fitness levels in the gym. If you’re thinking of a great challenge or pushing yourself in a new way, think about signing up! We’ll also need lots of judges! Any questions, please ask any coach and be on the lookout for the sign up soon! Cost to compete is $25 and includes a custom t-shirt from Forever Fierce-Judges get free t-shirts! This is a great community builder and a great way to spend a Saturday with your friends and fellow members of the gym. One male and one female from both Lifestyle and Fitness will be crowned winner at the end of the day!
The Challenge will test familiar movements and energy systems that we train on a consistent basis at the group classes- All are encouraged to participate in this fun day! Here’s Some General Standards for the Vagabond Internal Competition- official workouts to be announced soon!
I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
Lifestyle + Fitness Phase Prep
3 minutes of zone 1 work
3-5 minutes of Coach Dynamic Warm-Up
3-4 Minutes of the following:
Row 100 Meters or Airdyne 20 Seconds
10 goblet squats
5 wall angels
II. Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Lifestyle Phase
Double Leg or Single Leg/Core/Posterior Development + Conditioning
A. High Bar Back Squat, 5-7 reps x 3 sets, rest 1 minute between sets
You can perform box squats for same repetitions as well in place of regular back squat
We did 6-8 reps last week, try to go up in weight from last week, so this means you must keep track of your weight each week to see where you are.
B1. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry x 50 meters(Left Arm) + 50 meters back(Right Arm) x 2 sets, rest 45 seconds.
B2. DB Walking Lunges @ 11×1, 8 reps @ moderate weight x 2 sets, rest 45 seconds.
C. “ Vagabond Special”
21-15-9 of the following
Cal Row
Get at it and do not slow down
B. Fitness Phase
Bending Posterior + PC/Core + Conditioning
A1. Traditional Deadlift, 75%, 2 reps x 4 sets, rest 1 minute.
A2. Standing Pallof Press, 10 reps/each way x 4 sets, rest 1 minute.
A3. Banded Leg Curls, 15 reps @ 2 second pause @ iso hold position x 4 sets, rest 1 minute.
B. “Vagabond Special”
21-15-9 of the following:
Alternating DB Snatches(21, 15, 9 total, not each arm)
Cal Assault Bike(Cal Airdyne-30-20-10)
C. Competition Phase
Rest Day/Open Gym
A.1 Rest and recovery on Sunday
A.2 Z1 activity for 30-60 minutes – do something new
A.3 Recovery – mobility work (check out, PT work, band work.
A.4 Take some time to prepare your meals and training times for the week.
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