“Thursday 8.29.2024”

Vagabond of the Month for July: Kristen V.

Best Part About Vagabond Way Fitness: 

Of course the best thing about Vagabond are the people. Everyone is so supportive from the most experienced to the least experienced and everyone in-between.

I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
2-3 Minutes of Bike/Row/Jump Rope Warm-Up

Coach Option Warm-Up for 5-7 Minutes and then to Board for Review of Workouts and Events


II. Phases Strength + Conditioning:

A. Lifestyle Phase

Upper Body/Data for Squats+ Single Leg/Core + Conditioning

A1. High Bar Back Squat Moderate, 3 reps @ 70% of best 1RM x 4 sets, rest 15 seconds.

*1RM DATA: 5/7/24 for Back Squat

A2. Med Ball Rotational Slams, 5 reps/each way x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds.

B1. Viking Press, 8 reps x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds.

*Last week we did 10 reps*

B2. Single Arm Seated Cable Row, 12 reps/each arm x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds.


C. Conditioning of the following:

3 Sets of the following

12/10 Cal Assault Bike

12 Russian KBS

12 DB Floor Press SA Alt/each way

Rest 30 Seconds

12/10 Cal Assault Bike

60 Jump Rope Singles

Rest 30 Seconds


B. Fitness Phase

Posterior/Upper Body Pump + Long Conditioning

A1. 4 Sumo Deadlifts x 4 sets, rest 15 seconds.

1RM Date: Sumo Deadlift 11/25/23-Last week we did 5 reps-PUT THIS INFORMATION ON BOARD-COACH NOTES

A2. Med Ball Rotational Slams, 4 reps/each way x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds.

B1. Half Kneeling DB Single Arm Press, 10 reps/each arm x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds.

B2. Mountain Skiers, 10 reps x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds.

B3. KB DL OFF BLOCKS EACH FOOT, 10 reps x 3 sets, rest 60 seconds.


C. Conditioning of the following:

3 Sets of the following

25/20 Cal Row or 400 Meter Run

12 DB Floor Press

6 Hang Power Snatch @ challenging weight, form focus

Rest 30 Seconds

12/10 Cal Row or 200 Meter Run

12 No Push Up Burpees

6 Box Jumps Step-Down or Ball Slams

Rest 30 Seconds

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