MAP Sessions: 5 minutes on/3 minutes off x 4 sets
5 Minutes of the following:
Row 250 Meters
10 DB Cleans(from the hang position)( 35/25, 30/20, 25/15)
Rest 3 minutes
5 Minutes of the following:
Run 200 Meters
10 DB Snatch (5/each arm)@ moderate weight(35/25, 30/20, 25/15)
Rest 3 minutes
5 Minutes of the following:
10 Meter Bear Crawl
10 Wall Balls
Rest 3 minutes
5 Minutes of the following:
20 Double Unders
5 Hand Release Push Ups
Rest 3 minutes
5 Minutes of the following:
20 Walking Lunges(10/each side)
10 Sit Ups
5 Back Extensions