Tim Paulus: November

Vagabond of the Month for November: Tim Paulus
Month you were born in: September
Where you are originally from and/or where you live now: Originally from Norton, currently live in Mansfield
What days/times you typically train at VBC: Initially after starting VBC in September of ’12, I joined the 9amclasses. For the past year +, I’ve been hanging with the 6am crew. I shoot for 5-6 days a week
In addition to being a Vagabond: I am a brother, son, uncle, culinary school graduate, cook, avid runner and cyclist, huge sports fan (especially the Bruins), dog lover and professionally am a wine and craft beer buyer for a gourmet market chain on the South Shore. I consider myself very lucky to work in such a fun industry filled with great people, amazing perks (free beer and wine anyone?), and travel; And of course a proud uncle to my 8 month old niece!
Some training goals: Where do I start? I’m always working on my core strength, more consistency with pull-ups, and maintaining healthy eating habits. Thinking I’d be able to a pull-up, never-mind actually stringing a couple together, two years ago was laughable. I also completed 3 half marathons this year; so eventually I’d “love” to try a full.
What’s the best thing about Vagabond? Without question, I think all of the members of VBC know the answer to this. We have all felt it and continue to feel it every day – the family of wonderful, amazing people that make this gym who it is. After walking in two years ago, never having officially worked out in a professional gym, I knew it would be a challenge for me to be able to “fit in” with the programs here at Vagabond. Little did I know regardless of age, strength, weight, or talent; anyone that truly wants to be a member of this incredible family of people can be. After seeing the look on Kevin’s face that first week when I could hardly lift-up the bar (with no weight on it!) for a benchpress, I admire his and the other coaches determination for sticking with me and continuing to tolerate my endless mistakes. I will never forget that moment – so thank you for that KO. Equally as important to me as the physical and mental improvements that I’ve gained, is the amount of wonderful people I’ve met that I now consider great friends. I have been honored to add so many positive, fun, and inspiring people to my life which I enjoy spending time with not only inside the four walls at VBC but also out socially as well. I am continuously humbled to be a part of such an extraordinary group of people.