Schedule for New Year Holiday Week
1. Tuesday, January 1st, 2019 New Year’s Day Day: 9 am to 2 pm Open Gym
*Vagabond Message for Bringing in the New Year of 2019*
As we approach the end of another year for our Vagabond family, it’s clear to me that this has been our most successful year together. We’ve had countless accomplishments as a group- both inside and outside the Vagabond doors: personal records, triumphant competitions, marriages, births of children, first timers to the gym, and on and on. On the eve of this New Year, we should all take a moment to reflect on our own personal New Year’s resolutions and how we can go about achieving what we want and accomplishing our goals. I encourage all of you to set realistic and attainable goals in your life and to do this, we must have a plan of action in place. Ask yourself: How am I going to accomplish my goals? Why have I set these goals for myself? What do I want the outcome to be? I firmly believe that it is through dedication and hard work that any goal is achieved- if you show up and put in the hard work, you will see results.
There are so many great people in our community that make Vagabond a special place- please stay safe and enjoy ringing in the New Year with your friends and family. I hope to see you all on January 1st! Let’s start off 2019 on the right foot!
1. Vagabond Next Beginners Class on January 7th, 2018:
We offer our Beginners Program, which is mandatory before entering the group class and will be directed through a well organized and efficient program. The duration of the Beginners Class Program is 6 small group sessions, which will last two weeks long. We will teach you the fundamentals of our Strength and Conditioning Program to help make your transition into the classes a little easier for you within a small group setting.
2. Vagabond Foundations of Rowing Speciality Class on Sunday, February 3rd, 2019, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm:
This class will be taught by Coach Jason Lounge and will go over all the fundamentals of rowing to make your more efficient within your conditioning workouts, be able to get more meters, calories, and better efficiency throughout being on the rower during your workouts. The cost of the speciality class is only $20, and will receive invaluable feedback from Coach Jason on rowing technique, form, and the ability to produce more power over a given period during a workout. Sign up today by contacting Kevin or Jason. Limited to 10 spots.
A. Lifestyle Phase
Open Gym-New Year’s Day
A. Conditioning of the following:
3-4 Rounds of the following(Client Chooses Number of Rounds to Complete):
30 Kettlebell Swings Russian
25 Box Jumps or Step-Ups
20 Cal Assault Bike
15 DB Hang Power Cleans or Barbell Hang Power Cleans @ 95/65, 75/45 lbs
B. Fitness Phase
Open Gym-New Year’s Day
A. Conditioning of the following:
3-4 Rounds of the following(Client Chooses Number of Rounds to Complete):
30 Kettlebell Swings Russian
25 Box Jumps or Step-Ups
20 Cal Assault Bike
15 DB Hang Power Cleans or Barbell Hang Power Cleans @ 95/65, 75/45 lbs
C. Competition Phase
Open Gym-New Year’s Day
A. Gymnastics Fatigue Training of the following:
30-20-10-5 of the following:
Cal Row
Wall Balls
Rest 10 Minutes
B. Conditioning of the following:
AMRAP 12 Minutes of the following:
12 Thrusters @ 95/65 lbs
25 Double Unders
12 Burpees
25 Double Unders
Rest 10 Minutes
C. Conditioning of the following:
AMRAP 12 Minutes of the following:
12 Deadlfits @ 185/135 lbs
8 Toes to Bar
12 Lateral Burpees
8 Cal Row
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