Tuesday Workout of the Day

Second day of no barbell movements, and just working bodyweight and skill movements into conditioning workouts. My back is still sore, but the doc lined me up with some kinseio tape, and I can attest that this stuff actually works. It is supposed to support the muscle groups, but also help stretch as you work out. I will keep using this stuff, as long as I have access to it in the future. Today’s workout was good, and kept me moving, with my simple determination to get some higher conditioning workouts in with monostructural movements as well.

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 Workout of the Day:
AMRAP 20 Minutes of:
15 Foot Rope Climb x 1 ascent
200 Feet Run Up and Run Backwards Shuttle Run
30 Double Unders
2 Muscle Ups
Row 250 m

Did not keep track of rounds, just did the work, and went unbroken on skill movements. Rope Climbs were easy and took me about 2 pulls or leg pulls to get to top of 15 foot marker.