Tuesday Workout of the Day

Overall another good day of training, and enjoying the volume of training so far. However, my shoulders and upper body are getting concentrated on, and def getting beat up on the bad shoulder on my right hand side. However, it feels good though, and def see little gains here and there in my upper body strength with gymnastics style movements. However, my muscle ups are still a hit or miss, and some days, feel great on them and can hit multiple muscle ups in a row, almost up to 10, but other days, my kip is off, and things just go wrong. We will see over time, and hopefully I can clear my head, and get things down.

Squat Clean Cluster(First Full Squat in 4 Months, need to step it up)

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012:
A. Squat Clean Cluster, 1.1 x 4 sets, rest 4 mins, 205-220-235-245
B. Hang Power Snatch, 5-5-3-3, rest 4 min, reset before every rep, 115-135-150-165
C1. Front Squat @ 31×1, 3 reps x 4 sets, rest 2 mins, 225-255-265-270(1)-245(3)
C2. Wide Stance Handstand Push Ups x 4 sets, 12-11-10-9
D. Muscle-Ups, as many sets in 5 minutes, of 2 unbroke, worked up to 7 sets, then hit 10 more one by one for last couple of minutes.