I would like to welcome two new coaches to the Vagabond CrossFit Coaching Staff. I want to first introduce Mike Dillon as our new Class Coach for Vagabond CrossFit. He has been with Vagabond for over a year and half now, and has put his time in as an athlete, and someone we can trust as a coach and get the job done right. Coach Mike will be a welcomed addition to the Vagabond Community by providing you with expertise coaching, and also a willingness to lend out a helping hand to anyone who needs it. He is a great addition to the community, and I am very happy to announce him as a new coach for Vagabond CrossFit. He will be starting his coaching with Vagabond on Monday, April 2nd, and for the time being you will be seeing him coach classes as an assistant coach to myself and others. Coach Mike is currently on his journey with Optimum Perofmrance Training on receiving mulitple certifications and seminar completions. Welcome Aboard Mike!
Our second edition to the Vagabond Coaching Staff is Andrew Costantino and a very welcomed addition to the coaching staff. Andrew started CrossFit in late October, but has already made his presence felt in the gym, as being one of the top athletes in the gym, and proving himself as a future elite athlete. He has a great eye for coaching, and is also someone who is always willing to help someone out. He has been interning at Vagabond for over three months now, by working an unpaid internship every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for the On Ramp Classes. He has shown his coaching abilities, and has put the time and effort that shows me that he is dedicated, and persistent in impoving on his skills and also improving on other peoples skills as well. Andrew was a starting defensives linemen for over three years for a Division One School, and had multiple achievements while playing college football. He will take over the On Ramp Classes at Vagabond CrossFit starting on Monday, April 2nd. He will be a great source to all Vagabonds with any questions or concerns, and will be a great addition to the Vagabond Staff.
Congrats Guys.