"Tyler's Evil Twin"(10.16.2010)

Two LoveBirds, Rachael and Kyle hitting a WOD!

I. Vagabond Saturday Sweat Fest Morning Schedule:
9:00 am Class
10:00 am Class

II. Saturday’s Sweat Fest Workout of the Day:
“Tyler’s Evil Twin”(5 Rounds for time)

*Level 1*
5 Rounds for time of:
12 Ring Rows
15 Sumo Dead High Pulls @ 55/35 lbs

*Level 2*
5 Rounds for time of:
10 Banded Pull-Ups
18 Sumo Dead High Pulls @ 65/45 lbs

*Level 3*
5 Rounds for time of:
10 Strict Pull-Ups
21 Sumo Dead High Pulls @ 75/45 lbs

*All Competitors and Advanced athletes may use 95 lbs/65 lbs for sumo dead high pulls. Also, weight may be added to pull-ups, if you are willing to try this during the workout. A vest may be used or dumbbell placed between legs. Maximum weight used for weighted pull-ups is 45 lbs. Scaled at your own needs.*

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