Vagabond CrossFit Beginners Class Starts Monday, June 22nd, 2015. Contact us for more information and to sign up. These sell out fast, so get in contact as soon as possible to reserve your spot today.*
On Ramp is a prerequisite and will prepare you to safely complete a regular class. These classes run 3 times a week for two weeks. The next open on ramp will begin Monday, June 22nd, 2015. There are no more than 6-8 people per session so that we can ensure our athletes get the attention they need and can graduate feeling confident in their ability and knowledge of CrossFit. If you would rather complete the On Ramp individually or if these days and times don’t work for you, then we have a 5 session personal training option as well. These personal training sessions will also prepare you in movements and progressions like the class. If you are not sure which is the best path for you to take in order to reach your fitness goals please call us and make a free appointment for and assessment with one of our certified trainers. Other questions email us at [email protected] or call us at 508 930 8734. Classes fill up quickly, so contact us as soon as possible to reserve your spot today.
Click Here to Contact Us Today.
I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
Lifestyle + Fitness Phase Prep
3 minutes of zone 1 work
3-5 minutes of Coach Run Option
3-5 Minutes of the following:
Banded Hamstring Stretch x 90 seconds/each side
II. Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Lifestyle Phase
Upper Body DB Press/Upper Body Row/Core + Short Aerobic Session
A1. DB Pause Seated Press @ 22×1, 10-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds between sets.
A2. DB Bent Over Row @ 30×1, 8-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds between sets.
A3. Hollow Holds x 60 seconds total accumulation x 3 sets, rest 90 seconds between sets.
You do not have to do the full 60 seconds of hollow holds, just have to accumulate
B. 12 Minute AMRAP of the following:
Run 200 Meters
12 DB Push Press
12 Kettlebell Swings Russian
B. Fitness Phase
Upper Body Press Standing/Upper Body Pull/PC + Short Aerobic
A1. Standing DB Strict Press @ 31×1, 8-10 reps x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds between sets.
A2. DB Powell Raises @ 20×1, 8 reps/each arm x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds between sets.
A3. Heavy Russian Kettlebell Swings, 15 reps x 3 sets, rest 90 seconds between sets.
B. 12 Minute AMRAP of the following:
Run 200 meters
12 Pull-Ups or Ball Slams-Athlete Choice
6 Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs, 115/75 lbs
C. Competition Phase
Gymnastics Skill Work + Muscle Clean or Pull + Power Clean + EMOTM Gymnastics + CP Battery Clean or Snatch
A. 3 Sets of the following:
A1. Strict Muscle Up, 1-2 reps or Ring Thing Assisted, 3-4 reps, rest as needed.
A2. Legless Rope Climb, 1 rep or Pulley System, 2-3 reps, rest as needed.
A3. Strict Toes to Bar, 6-10 reps, rest as needed between sets.
B. Muscle Clean Cluster, 1.1.1 x 4 sets, rest as need between sets.
40%-50% of best cleam, you can go up in weight if technique is on point.
C. Power Clean Cluster, 1.1 @ 75% x 4 sets, rest as needed between sets.
D. Every Minute on the Minute x 12 Minutes of the following:
Even Minute: 3 Deadlifts @ 345 lbs/235 lbs, 275/165 lbs + 6 Lateral Burpees
Odd Minute: 3 Muscle-Ups or 8-10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
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