"Vagabond Bring a Friend Day: June 13th + Vagabond Olympic Lifting Class @ 6:35 pm"(6.1.2015)

*Vagabond Bring a Friend Day on Saturday, June 13th @ 9:00 am*

Friends, family, and neighbors are invited to experience Vagabond CrossFit on Saturday June 13th at 9:00 AM for a FREE introductory class. This event is open to all in the community regardless of your fitness level. If you’re interested in trying Vagabond, seeing what all the buzz is about or simply in the mood for a great workout, please join us for this fun and informative event!

Vagabond CrossFit is a fitness community located in Easton, MA that is dedicated to ongoing achievement of health and fitness goals. Vagabond is a place of strength and conditioning that will enhance one’s life through sport, fitness and support. Through a well thought out program, Vagabond will put you on the right track for sport, fitness, or simply a healthy lifestyle.

*Vagabond Olympic Lifting Class on Monday, June 1st @ 6:35 pm. CLICK HERE FOR WORKOUT.*

*Vagabond Youth Development Class on Monday, June 1st @ 3:30 pm. CLICK HERE FOR WORKOUT.*

Matt Auger

I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
3 minutes of z1 work
6-8 Minutes of Group Review:
Hang Clean Review w/ Lifestyle + Fitness-Use Barbells
II. Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Lifestyle Phase
High Bar Back Squat/Upper Body Pull + Aerobic Conditioning Long Duration
A1. High Bar Back Squat, 1 heavy rep x 4 sets, rest 1 minute between sets.
A2. Strict Supinated Pull-Up Cluster, 3.3.2 x 4 sets, rest 1 minute between sets.
People can scale to Negative Supinated Pull-Up Cluster, 2.2.1. x 4 sets, rest 1 minute
B. 4 Sets of the following(Total Time: 19 Minutes)
1 Minute Goblet Squat
1 Minute Box Jumps
1 Minute Plank Hold
1 Minute Cal Row
Rest 60 seconds between sets
B. Fitness Phase
Oly Intense + Squat Intense/Upper Body Pull + Aerobic Conditioning Long Duration
A1. Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 @ 80% of best snatch x 4 sets, rest 1 minute between sets.
A2. DB Bent Over Row @ 30×1, 8-10/each arm x 4 sets, rest 1 minute between sets.
B. 4 Sets of the following(Total Time: 19 Minutes)
1 Minute Wall Balls
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Box Jumps
1 Minute Cal Airdyne
Rest 60 seconds between sets
C. Competition Phase
High Bar Back Squat Intense + Snatch Pull + Upper Body Press Vertical + Conditioning-Longer Aerobic Sets
A. High Bar Back Squat, 3 reps x 6 sets @ 75%, rest as needed between sets.
B. Snatch Pull, 5 reps x 3 sets, no dropping weights, between 90-100% of best 1RM, rest as needed between sets.
C. Push Press, 4 reps x 5 sets, rest as needed between sets.
These do not have to be touch n go, and do not work to a 5RM
D. 5 Rounds for time of the following:
200 Meter Run
7 Thrusters @ 135/95 lbs, 105/75 lbs
7 Strict Pull-Ups
7 Handstand Push-Ups Depth
45 lbs /15 lbs plates women-Kipping Allowed
People can scale to regular handstand push-ups and/or to their ability
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