*Vagabond CrossFit Olympic Lifting Class on Tuesday @ 6:35 pm. Please Click HERE to see the workout and what is planned for the day.*
*Remember these Speciality Classes are made particuliar for all Vagabonds, and will only benefit you in the long run. What Coach John teaches you in the Olympic Lifting Class will translate very well over to the group class workouts. So, make it a prioriority to get into the Speciliaty Classes and work on those skill movements.*
I. Dynamic Specific Prep Warm-Up:
3-5 minutes of z1 work w/ lateral work
2 rounds of
wall squats x 5
wall angels x 5
Supermans x 10 reps
Single Unders x 30
High Hamstring Stretch x Pull-Up Bar
II. Lifestyle Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Fitness Phase:
*Level 1*
A. “Vagabond Gone Bad”
3 Sets of the following:
*All Movements performed for 1 Minute:
Hang Power Clean @ 65/33
Single Unders
Front Squat @ 65/33
Rest 1:00 Minute between sets
*Level 2*
A. 3 Sets of the following movements:
*All movements performed for 1 Minute:
Hang Power Clean @ 95/65
Double Under Attempts
Front Squat @ 95/65
Rest 1:00 Minute between sets
B. Will(Competition) Phase:
A. 3 Sets of the following movements:
*All Movements performed for 1 Minute:
Hang Power Clean @ 115/80
Double Unders
Burpee Box Jummps @ 20/16
Front Squats @ 115/80
Rest 1:00 Minute between sets
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