Chris Molinari
Month you were born in: January
Where you are originally from and/or where you live now:
West Bridgewater
What days/times you typically train at VBC:
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
My proudest accomplishment(s) in my training: Competing in the “Vagabond Throwdown” last summer
Some current training goals and/or personal goals are: Continue to stay consistent. I look this year to make some changes to my personal weekly diet to fit the training I’m doing each week and start to build muscle.
What’s the best thing about Vagabond?
Vagabond has taught me to push myself harder then I ever have before. The coaches are very encouraging and educate me on using correct form and staying motivated throughout each workout. The events outside the gym as well (Vagabond Night Out & Holiday Parties) are a great way to take a break from the hard work everyone puts in each day, and learn more about the community and have a fun night out. I recommend Vagabond is anyone looking to take that next step in his or her fitness goals. Thank you to Kevin, Jay, Andrew and the whole Vagabond community for being positive influences.