Vagabond of the Month for June: Kate Welch

Kate Welch

Month you were born in:

Where you are originally from and/or where you live now:
I am originally from Sharon. I have lived in Easton with my
husband and two girls for almost 9 years.

What days/times you typically train at VBC:
I train at Vagabond four to five mornings a week, and I try to get to
the Saturday morning class every week. When I first started
at Vagabond 5 1/2 years ago, I went to the 6:00 am class.
When my oldest started Middle School almost three years
ago I started to come at 5:30 am even though it wasn’t a
scheduled class. Now, almost 3 years later, we have a solid 5:30
a.m. crew! Knowing they will be there makes me get out of
bed in the morning.

My proudest accomplishment(s) in my training:
When I first started at Vagabond I was strictly a runner, and I
desperately needed to build back upper body strength. I had
been a fitness instructor for 20 years and when I gave it up, I turned
to running. I trained in classes. I trained with Kevin. I did what he
said, and with dedication and consistency I am proudest to say
that I can workout with 40 something’s, 30 something’s, and even
20 something’s, and I can even complete the workouts in a
respectable time and ability.

What’s the best thing about Vagabond:
It goes without saying that the absolute best thing about Vagabond
is Kevin. I have such admiration and respect for him being so young
and having dedicated so much of himself and his talent to creating
such a positive atmosphere for all of us. In us all is the desire to be
nurtured and accepted and a part of something positive. Kevin has
fulfilled that desire in all of us, and for that I am grateful. I love having a
place to go where I can exercise with the support of the coaches and the
camaraderie of the other members. We have a group of fabulous
people at Vagabond all thanks to Kevin.