Month you were born in:
Where you are originally from and/or where you live now:
Westfield, MA – Brockton, MA
What days/times you typically train at VBC:
Mom/Wed/Thurs 4:30 or 5:30 class and at least one weekend day.
My proudest accomplishment(s) in my training:
Consistency. Prior to joining Vagabond I was a member of a globo gym and I slacked off for a long time. Now I feel obligated to show up to class as often as I can, almost like I will miss out if I don’t. In fact, I wish my schedule allowed me to be here more often!
What’s the best thing about Vagabond?
It’s difficult to narrow down what would be the best thing about Vagabond. The reason being, I’m not sure which is better – the community as a whole, along with the personal relationships that I’m building or the level of detail and attention that the coaches pay to each athlete’s training and safety. Each are important aspects of the Vagabond experience that are constantly expounded upon by Kevin – “This is our Community” or “Ask your coaches” – we hear it all the time. I’ll answer by saying both!
Thanks to Kevin and to the coaches and members of Vagabond for making me feel welcomed over the last year. I hope there are many more to follow!