Vagabond of the Month for November: Michael Machado


Month you were born in: October

Where you are originally from and/or where you live now:

Taunton born and raised

What days/times you typically train at VBC:

Mostly 530/630 but I’ll throw some 9/12’s in there to spice things up!

My proudest accomplishment(s) in my training:

Gradually getting stronger with my Olympic lifts. Haven’t managed to drop down in weight yet which is good. I also got a couple of competitions under my belt.

Some current training goals and/or personal goals are:

To just keep on keepin’ on. Keep the gym as part of my weekly routine. Maybe get back to my former glory days or making 4 times or more a week!

What’s the best thing about Vagabond:
The people. From the long time members to the newbies. There is something to take from everyone. What keeps them coming and talking about what got them to join in the first place.

I also love seeing members hit their goals, especially the newer ones. “You the real MVP”

I’ve met a lot of people through this gym some of whom will probably be lifetime friends and you know that’s not something you run into that everyday.

I’m a little sad this long running joke of me not getting VBC of the month will end 🙁