Vagabond of the Month for November: Stacie Lombardi

Stacie L

Vagabond of the Month for November: Stacie Lombardi

Month you were born in: 

Where you are originally from and/or where you live now: 
I grew up in Randolph and now live in Mansfield
What days/times you typically train at VBC:
I’m at Vagabond Monday through Friday.  Usually the 9:00 class but lately split between the 7:15am and 9am class.
My proudest accomplishment(s) in my training 
It’s no secret that I’ve had some “help” with my weight loss.  That being said, my cardio has greatly improved.   This past September was my second time doing the Rugged Maniac.   I had so much more fun this year because my increased endurance enabled me to complete even more obstacles and run more distance than the year before.
Some current training goals and/or personal goals are 
I still want to improve my cardio, run more, and tighten up this old body of mine.
What’s the best thing about Vagabond?
Vagabond has the best of everything.  The coaches ARE Vagabond.  They are there instructing, watching, encouraging, helping, and entertaining us even when it’s not their class they are teaching.   The members ARE Vagabond.  We all have a great time together, but know when the warm-ups are over, it’s time to “get at it!” And Kevin.  What can I say about Kevin that hasn’t been already said?  He’s the biggest pain in my ass, but he has the biggest heart of anyone I know.  He’s always looking for improvement in himself, the gym, and his members.  Thank you Kevin for making my weekday mornings something to look forward to.